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Protecting the Environment is Critical to Reigniting Agriculture on St. Maarten – StMaartenNews.com – News Views Reviews

27 September 2024
This content originally appeared on French Side News Archives - StMaartenNews.com.
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Dear Editor,

In light of the renewed emphasis on reigniting agriculture on the island, it is important to also realize that without conservation measures to protect our natural resources this ambition may be but a pipe dream if we continue along our current path. As a Small Island Developing State, St. Maarten’s efforts toward self-sufficiency and food security through agricultural development are vital, especially given our island’s vulnerability to external shocks driven by climate change. However, while these developments are promising, it is essential to recognize that any agricultural revival will remain unsustainable unless it is firmly grounded in the protection and restoration of our terrestrial ecosystems and that now is the time to take a leadership role in championing conservation practices, as this would lay the foundation for sustainable agriculture and food security for our country.

Many successful examples from other island states show us that agriculture and environmental conservation must go hand in hand should there be any real progress. Take the case of Cuba, where, following the collapse of trade in the early 1990s, the island adopted agroecological farming practices that integrated biodiversity conservation into its agricultural systems. By protecting natural ecosystems and using organic farming methods, Cuba not only stabilized its food production but also became a global leader in sustainable agriculture. Similarly, Fiji has implemented community-based forest conservation programs that not only preserve biodiversity but enhances the soil and water quality essential for agricultural productivity. These examples offer valuable lessons for St. Maarten: when we protect our natural resources, agriculture flourishes in a way that benefits both the environment and enhances food security.

Terrestrial conservation is not merely an environmental issue—it is the backbone of any agricultural ambition. Healthy ecosystems provide the critical services that agriculture depends on; soil fertility, water management, and natural pest control. Forests and native vegetation contribute to soil health by preventing erosion, enhancing water retention, and facilitating nutrient cycling. If our forests continue to be degraded, St. Maarten will face severe challenges in maintaining the soil fertility necessary for productive farming. Additionally, terrestrial ecosystems play an integral role in regulating water systems. Forests and healthy landscapes ensure that rainfall is absorbed and released slowly, reducing the risk of both drought and flooding. Agriculture cannot thrive without a reliable and consistent water supply and we have not been doing the most stellar of jobs in ensuring that our fresh water supply- and yes we do have a fresh water supply, just look at our wells- are sufficiently managed and conserved.

Biodiversity, including native birds, insects, and other wildlife, also supports agriculture by promoting pollination and natural pest control. By damaging these ecosystems through deforestation or urban expansion, we not only reduce agricultural productivity but make it more costly and chemically dependent. Moreover, the rising threat of invasive species is a pressing issue on St. Maarten. Invasive plants and animals, often introduced through human activity, displace native species and disrupt ecosystems critical for agricultural success. If invasive species continue to spread unchecked, they will further degrade the natural landscape and threaten both biodiversity and agriculture. Investment in terrestrial conservation, including invasive species management, is a necessary defense for ensuring agricultural resilience. We can already see the impact the invasive monkey and iguana populations have had on our budding agricultural initiatives.

If the current environmental degradation continues, any talk of reigniting agriculture on St. Maarten will be unrealistic. We cannot afford to overlook the fact that agriculture and conservation are inextricably linked. Consider the case of Haiti, where extensive deforestation over the years has led to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and a severe decline in agricultural productivity. On the flip side, the Dominican Republic, which shares the same island of Hispaniola, has invested in reforestation and conservation initiatives, allowing it to maintain more robust agricultural productivity. The contrasting outcomes of these two countries highlight how critical environmental protection is for sustainable agriculture.

The current vision of reigniting agriculture on St. Maarten is commendable and necessary, but it must be rooted in a broader framework of environmental sustainability. Any agricultural policy that does not prioritize the health of our natural ecosystems is bound to fail in the long term. Protecting and restoring terrestrial habitats is not only a way to enhance agriculture but also a means to ensure food security, reduce vulnerability to climate change, and to promote a healthier and more resilient island.

Our leaders have a critical role to play in supporting these efforts through championing conservation practices by establishing the first protected nature park on land. This would safeguard biodiversity, promote ecosystem restoration, and provide a foundation for sustainable agriculture to thrive. Additionally, parliament should act by turning the existing hillside policy into formal conservation legislation to protect St. Maarten’s remaining forested areas. Hillside conservation is crucial for maintaining the natural water cycle, preventing erosion, and preserving the habitats that local wildlife and agricultural systems depend on.

Another key action for both government and parliament would be to finally approve the zoning plans and ensure that all new development projects undergo rigorous environmental and social impact assessments. These assessments are vital for identifying the potential negative impacts of land use changes and for developing strategies to mitigate those impacts. Approving and enforcing zoning regulations, especially those designed to protect natural areas, will create a more balanced approach to development that respects the island’s environmental limitations while encouraging responsible agricultural growth.

The news of advancing agriculture is important for St. Maarten, but we must ensure that it is built on the solid foundation of terrestrial conservation. Without safeguarding the environment, agricultural initiatives will be unsustainable, leaving our island even more vulnerable to environmental and economic pressures. True progress requires a balance between agriculture and nature—only then can St. Maarten grow and prosper in harmony with its environment. It is time for both the government and parliament to take the lead in making environmental sustainability a core part of our island’s agricultural future.

Sincerely,Tadzio Bervoets
Caribbean Conservation Professional
